Thursday, January 2, 2014

This blew me away! Manna by Marshall Brain and other ramblings

Please read this short story.  These 6 short chapters completely opened my eyes to what I have already seen happening and have been worried about. Not just about robots taking over jobs, but how the world is going and how the wealth is being distributed right now TODAY.  The year 2014 AD.

You can then read more details at Robotic Nation ( where Mr. Brain shows you exactly what is happening right now and what could happen if we don't change things now.

I love this kind of stuff!  But it scares the hell out of me!

Where will we be in 10 years?  Where will I be?  I'm basically disabled but do not officially qualify as being disabled in the U.S. because I do not have enough of my issues documented with physicians... but the thing is, it costs money to see a physician.  Money I do not have because I am disabled.  Catch 22.

Earlier tonight I thought about how the dogs in Romania are being culled to the point that even dog owners are being murdered, and my heart ached for all the living things on this earth that have been hurt and tortured to the point of becoming a hardened and vicious beast that is always on the defense.  Even humans.  PTSD outside of war is rampant everywhere.  I am married to a person who is struggling with the effects of an abusive childhood.

Why do we continue to allow these things to happen?  I'm struggling with my children's school because they refuse to truly help my girls out.  One was bullied to the point of showing symptoms of ADD.  It was actually severe anxiety!  AND her verbal skills were extremely low as a result of the bullying.  The school insists it can be fixed at home.  But she talks and has always been a social butterfly at home.

My other daughter experienced similar bullying, but I yanked her out of that school because they refused to work with us on allowing her to take an advanced math class.  And yet the daughter of a school board member (who funnily enough lives right across the street from us) became the only 8th grader to take Algebra 1!  I cannot express the rage I felt when we found this out.  The school superintendent continues to give us excuses.  I should get the media in on this!  It's outrageous!

Why is the world like this?  

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